Individual Therapy
This is a hard question to answer, and there is no minimum or maximum number of sessions you can attend. It really depends on what your concerns are, and what goals you have for therapy. Each person's therapy journey is different, so really, therapy is tailored to each client's individual needs and preferences. At the outset of therapy, I will always check with you what goals you have. Some people come in for just a session or two to assist them with a specific issue that is concerning them at that time. Others come with the hope to develop strategies to reduce or manage symptoms, and this can take about 6 - 10 sessions. Some people have long-standing patterns or issues that have bothered them for a while, and want to receive ongoing support over some months. For example, childhood or relationship trauma sometimes take a while to work through.
Relationship Therapy
I use a highly effective type of relationship therapy called emotionally focused therapy, as the basis for my marriage and relationship counselling. Most people find that they begin to see real changes in their relationship in 10 - 16 sessions. I will always review how you are going throughout counselling. Generally speaking, couples come in about 7 years after they have started to have problems in their relationship, so it sometimes takes a while for both partners to feel emotionally safe and able to engage in the counselling process.